On the 4th of August, 2021, the 1st TPM of DIGI4EQUALITY project was successfully implemented in Szkola Podstawowa nr 2 w Proszowicach, Poland. Due to Covid19 situation, the partners didn’t have the chance until to implement the meeting face to face until now. During the meeting the partners had the opportunity to discuss issues related to the implementation of the project and the intellectual products.
According to the EU Commission report “Gender Equality Strategy: Striving for a Union of equality” (5 March, 2020), “Gender equality is a core principle of the European Union, but it is not yet a reality. …Using only half of the population, half of the ideas or half of the energy is not good enough.” Following this principle, gender equality is not only a matter of concern for women. It is a matter of concern for all of us.
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