



A DIGItal toolkit for promoting gender EQUALITY
in science and technology

According to the European Commission report “Gender Equality Strategy: Striving for a Union of equality” released on 5 March 2020, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “Gender equality is a core principle of the European Union, but it is not yet a reality. … Using only half of the population, half of the ideas or half of the energy is not good enough.” Moreover, gender equality is not only a matter of concern for women. It is a matter of concern for all of us. Several pieces of evidence highlight the importance of building positive attitudes towards gender equality. According to the European Commission, “children are exposed to gender roles that shape their self-perception and influence their academic and professional choices as well as expectations of their roles as women and men throughout their life.


1st TPM in Poland

2nd TPM in

3rd TPM in

4th TPM in


Methodological Guide

e-learning platform



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211, 2021

Promotion of the project

On November 1, 2021 the Digi4Equality project was promoted to teachers from
the school “VšI Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Ugnės Karvelis gimnazija” located
in Lithuania, who attended a training course on Non-Formal Education Methods at
E-SCHOOLs’ premises in the framework of Erasmus+ programme (for teacher mobility under KA1).

1409, 2021

2nd TPM

On Monday, the 13th of September 2021📅, the DIGI4EQUALITY partners held a productive meeting where they reviewed the project’s Lesson Plans, the learning training platform, as well as planned and organized the next activities!
Next meeting in Aydin!

608, 2021

1st TPM

On the 4th of August, 2021, the 1st TPM of DIGI4EQUALITY project was successfully implemented in Szkola Podstawowa nr 2 w Proszowicach, Poland. Due to Covid19 situation, the partners didn’t have the chance until to implement the meeting face to face until now. During the meeting the partners had the opportunity to discuss issues related to the implementation of the project and the intellectual products.

According to the EU Commission report “Gender Equality

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