The project “A DIGItal toolkit for promoting gender EQUALITY in science and technology” (Digi4Equality), as indicated by its very title, aims at promoting a culture of gender inclusion within the field of science and technology from an early age. To reach this common goal, the partners from Poland, Greece, Turkey and Latvia met in Proszowice, Poland on August 4th, 2021 for their 1st Transnational Project Meeting to discuss the most pressing issues in relation to the project’s implementation stages.
The focal point of this meeting was the discussion of the project’s overall content and anticipated results and of the best possible ways for their better execution and implementation.
While partners share to a great extent the same scope of responsibilities, each organisation has also been assigned a set of specific tasks and duties. Both these shared and distinctive responsibilities were thoroughly delineated and deliberated.
Each partner presented the learning scenarios and games they had prepared and received feedback and comments from the rest of the group.
In this meeting, the partners made crucial decisions as to how they should manage their respective assigned tasks, how the quality of the project’s results will be ensured, how the progress of the project and its results will be disseminated and what the responsibilities for the follow up second TPM are.
More specifically, it was decided that in the next Transnational Project Meeting each organization will have designed and will present a designated number of lesson plans and receive suggestions for improvement as well as be prepared to discuss ideas for further improvement on all of the aspects of the project.
1st TPM in PolandAkis Panagos2021-12-06T18:51:45+03:00